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English Translation |
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Persian Translation |
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In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. |
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.بنام ایزد بخشایشگر مهربان |
A questioner questioned concerning the doom about to fall |
1 |
پرسشگرى از عذاب واقعشوندهاى پرسيد |
Upon the disbelievers, which none can repel, |
2 |
همانا برای كافران ازآن بازدارندهاى نيست |
From God, unto whom there are many ways of ascent: |
3 |
از جانب خداوند صاحب درجات [و مراتب]و |
(Whereby) the angels and the Spirit ascend unto Him in a Day whereof the span is fifty thousand years. |
4 |
فرشتگان و روح در روزى كه مقدارش پنجاه هزار سال است به سوى او بالا مىروند |
Therefore, [O believer,] endure all adversity with goodly patience: |
5 |
پس شکیبایی كن شکیبایی زیبایی |
behold, men look upon that [reckoning] as something far away |
6 |
همانا آنان [عذاب] را دور مىبينند |
but, We see it as near! |
7 |
در حالیکه [ما] نزديكش مىبينيم |
[It will take place] on a Day when the sky will be like molten lead, |
8 |
روزى كه آسمان چون آهن گداخته(یا گل سرخ) شود |
and the mountains will be like tufts of wool, |
9 |
و كوهها چون پشم زده گردد |
and [when] no friend will ask about his friend, |
10 |
و هيچ دوستى از دوستى [حال] نپرسد |
| though they may be in one another's sight: the guilty man will long to be able to ransom himself from suffering at the price of his own children, |
11 |
به آنان نشان داده میشود(آگاه میشوند)، مجرم آرزو مىكند كه كاش براى رهايى از عذاب آن روز مى توانست پسران خود را فدیه دهد |
and his spouse and his brother, |
12 |
و [نيز] همسرش و برادرش را |
and his kin that harboured him, |
13 |
(و قبيلهاش را (كه به او پناه مىدهد |
and of whoever [else] lives on earth, all of them - so that he could but save himself. |
14 |
و هر كه را كه در روى زمين است همه را ،تا خود را نجات دهد |
| But nay! Verily, all [that awaits him] is a raging flame, |
15 |
نه چنين است ، همانا آن[آتش] زبانه مىكشد |
tearing away his skin! |
16 |
پوستسر و اندام را بركننده است |
It will claim all such as turn their backs [on what is right], and turn away [from the truth], |
17 |
خوانده میشود آنکس كه پشت كرده (بر حقیقت)و روى برتافته |
and hoarded (wealth) and withheld it. |
18 |
و گرد آورده و انباشته |
Verily, man is born with a restless disposition. |
19 |
همانا كه انسان بس آزمند [و بىتاب] آفریده شده |
whenever misfortune touches him, he is filled with self-pity; |
20 |
چون بدی به او رسد عجز و لابه كند |
and whenever good fortune comes to him, he selfishly withholds it [from others]. |
21 |
و چون خيرى به او رسد بخل ورزد |
Not so, however, those who consciously turn towards God in prayer. |
22 |
بجز (آنها که می پیوندند)نمازگزاران |
who incessantly persevere in their prayer |
23 |
كسانى كه نمازشان (ارتباط با خدا) دائمی است |
and in whose wealth there is a right acknowledged, |
24 |
و همآنان كه در اموالشان حقى معلوم است |
for such as ask [for help] and such as are deprived [of what is good in life]; |
25 |
براى درخواست کننده و محروم |
and who accept as true the [coming of the] Day of Judgment; |
26 |
و كسانى كه روز جزا را تصدیق کنند |
And those who are fearful of their Lord's doom ; |
27 |
و آنان كه از عذاب پروردگارشان نگرانند |
Lo! the doom of their Lord is that before which none can feel secure; |
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چرا كه از عذاب پروردگارشان ايمن نمىتوانند بود |
and who are mindful of their chastity, |
29 |
و كسانى كه دامن (عفت)خود را حفظ مىكنند |
Save with their wives and those whom their right hands possessed, for thus they are not blameworthy; |
30 |
مگر بر همسران خود يا كنيزانشان كه [در اين صورت] مورد نكوهش نيستند |
But who so seeks more than that, those are they who are transgressors; |
31 |
و هر كس پا از اين [حد] فراتر نهد پس از متجاوزین باشد |
And those who keep their pledges and their covenant, |
32 |
و كسانى كه امانتها و پيمان خود را مراعات مىكنند |
and those who stand firm whenever they bear witness; |
33 |
و آنان كه بر گواهی هاى خود پا برجا هستند |
And those who are attentive at their worship. |
34 |
و كسانى كه نمازشان (ارتباط با خدا) راحفظ میکنند |
These will dwell in Gardens, honoured. |
35 |
آنها هستند كه در بهشتهایی گرامى خواهند بود |
What, then, is amiss with those who are bent on denying the truth, that they run about confusedly to and fro before thee, |
36 |
چه شده است كه آنان كه كفر ورزيدهاند به سوى تو شتابان |
rom the right and from the left, in crowds? |
37 |
گروه گروه از راست و از چپ سرک مىکشند |
Does every one of them hope to enter [by this means] a garden of bliss? |
38 |
آيا هر يك از آنان طمع مىبندد كه در بهشت پر نعمت درآورده شود |
Nay, verily. Lo! We created them from what they know. |
39 |
نه چنين است ما آنان را از آنچه [خود] مىدانند آفريديم |
But nay! I call to witness [Our being] the Sustainer of all the points of sunrise and sunset: verily, that We verily are Able |
40 |
پس سوگند به پروردگار خاوران و باختران كه ما تواناييم |
To replace them by (others) better than them. And we are not to be outrun. |
41 |
تا به جاى آنان بهتر از ايشان را بياوريم و بر ما پيشى نتوانند جست |
Hence, leave them to indulge in idle talk and play until they face that Day which they have been promised |
42 |
پس بگذارشان ياوه گويند و بازى كنند تا روزى را كه وعده داده شدهاند ملاقات نمايند |
The day when they come forth from the graves in haste, as racing to a goal, |
43 |
روزى كه از گورها[ى خود] شتابان برآيند گويى كه آنان به سوى پرچمهاى افراشته مى دوند |
with downcast eyes, with ignominy overwhelming them: that Day which they have been promised . |
44 |
ديدگانشان فرو افتاده [غبار] مذلت آنان را فرو گرفته است ، اين است همان روزى كه به ايشان وعده داده همی داده شده است |