And when they meet the believers, they say, 'We believe [as you believe],' but when they get together with each other, they say, 'Do you inform [the believers] of the information given to you by God?, so that they might use it in argument against you, quoting tne words of your Lord. Don't you understand? |
76 |
وآنها چون کسانی را که ایمان آورده اند ملاقات کنند گویند: ما ( همانند شما) ایمان آورده ایم و آنگاه که برخی ازآنها با برخی دیگر خلوت کنند گویند : آیا آنچه را که خدا بر شما گشوده به آنها بازگو میکنید تا نزد پروردگارتان با آن با شما احتجاح کنند؟ آیا درست نمی اندیشید؟1 |
Do they not know that God knows everything they conceal, and everything they reveal? |
77 |
آیا نمیدانند ؟ که خدا میداند آنچه را که پنهان میکنند ویا آشکار مینمایند |
Among them are gentiles (illiterates) who have no real knowledge of the scripture, [following] only wishful beliefs and depending on nothing but conjecture. |
78 |
گروهی از اینها بی سوادانی هستند که "کتاب" را نمیدانند ، جز برای آرزوهای خود ، و گمان میبرند که میدانند |
Therefore, woe to those who write the scripture with their own hands, then say, 'This is what God has revealed,' seeking a trifling gain. Woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they may have gained. |
79 |
وای بر کسانی که "کتاب" را با دست خود نوشته و میگویند : "این وحی الهی است" ، برای سود بردن اندکی. پس وای برآنها از آنچه دستهایشان نوشته و وای بر آنها از آنچه کسب کرده اند |
Some have said, 'Hell-Fire will most certainly not touch us for more than a limited number of days.' Say, 'Have you received a promise from God - God never breaks His promise - or, are you attributing to God what you do not know?' |
80 |
برخی گویند : هرگز آتش دوزخ بیش از چند روزی ما را لمس نمیکند . بگو از خداوند چنین پیمانی گرفته اید؟ که وی هرگز خلف وعده نمیکند ، یا به خدا چیزهایی را نسبت میدهید که نمیدانید؟1 |
Yes! Those who earn evil and are engulfed by their sins- they are destined for the fire. therein to abide. |
81 |
آری ، آنها که کارهای بد انجام میدهند و گناهانشان آنها را از هر سو در برمیگیرد ،یاران آتشند و در آن جاودانند |
As for those who believe, and do good deeds, they will be the dwellers of Paradise; they abide therein forever. |
82 |
و آنها که ایمان آورده کارهای نیکو میکنند اهل بهشتند و جاودانه در آن سکونت دارند |
And when We made a covenant with the Children of Israel: 'You shall not worship except God. You shall treat with kindness your parents and the relatives, the orphans, and the poor. You shall speak kindly to the people . You shall be constant in prayer and give the obligatory charity (Zakat).' But then you turned away, except a few of you, and you became averse. |
83 |
و آنگاه که از شما فرزندان اسرائیل همی پیمان گرفتیم که : جز خدایرا مپرستید ، به پدر و مادر ،نزدیکان ، یتیمان و بینوایان احسان کنید ، با مردم نیکو سخن بگویید ، نماز بپا دارید و زکات بدهید ; پس جز اندکی از شما همه سرپیچی کرده رویگردان شدید |
We made a covenant with you, that you shall not shed your blood, nor shall you evict each other from your homes. You confessed and bore witness. |
84 |
¤¢ø¡ ý‘ú÷ø¡ : ùî ôþ—ê¤ð ö‘õþ• ‘õª ¥ ùî ù‘ð÷ø .¢þ÷¤õ öø¤þ“ ¢ø¡ ù÷‘ª‘îøù÷‘¡ ¥ ¤¢ø¡ ø¢þ¥þ¤õ .¢þ¢¢ üûøð ø ¢þ¢¤î¤¤ì §• |
Yet, here you are killing each other, and evicting some of you from their homes, banding against them sinfully and maliciously. And if they come to you as captives, you ransom them. While evicting them was prohibited for you in the first place. Do you believe in part of the scripture and disbelieve in part? What should be the retribution for those among you who do this, except disgrace in this life, and the most grievous torment on the Day of Resurrection? God is never unaware of anything you do. |
85 |
¢ø¡ ¥ üûø¤ð , ¢þ—ªîþõ ¤¢ø¡ ‘û‘õª öþõû §•¨ –ª¥ ù“ ,¢þ¢÷¤þõ öø¤þ“ ö‘ª ù÷‘ª‘î ø ù÷‘¡¥ ¤ ö‘“þ—ª•ø –¨¢õû ‘ú÷ ù“ –“¨÷ ý¤ðõ—¨ø ý¤‘—ê¤ ý¤“ ¢÷¤ø‘þ“ ý¤þ¨ ñ‘Ÿ“ ¤‘ú÷ ¤ð ø ¢þ¢ø“ ôû ö‘÷ ö¢÷¤ öø¤þ“ ùîþ󑟤¢ Œ¢þû¢þõ ùþ¢ê ö‘ªþ¢¥ ¢þ¤øüõ ö‘õþ ’‘—î ¥üª¡“ ù“‘þ.¢ø“ ô¤Ÿ‘õª¤“ ‘õª ¥ü÷‘¨î ©¢‘• §• Œ¢þøªþõ ¤ê‘î üª¡“ ù“ø ö‘ú›öþüð¢÷¥ ¤¢ ý¤ø¡¥› Œ –¨þ¢÷÷î öþ÷ùî ù¢÷¤‘û ù›÷îª öþ¤—–¡¨ ýø¨“ –õ‘þì ¥ø¤ ø –¨• . –¨þ÷ ñê‘è œþû ¢þ÷îþõ ù÷ ¥ ¢÷ø¢¡ ø .¢÷øªþõ |
These are the people who bought the life of this world at the expense of the Hereafter: their torment shall not be lightened nor shall they be helped. |
86 |
,¢÷¢þ¤¡ –¤¡ ý‘ú““ ¤‘þ÷¢ üð¢÷¥ ùî ¢÷þ÷‘¨î‘ú÷þ .¢÷¢¤ð ý¤‘þ ù÷ø ¢øª ù—¨‘î ü“£ä ‘ú÷ ¥ ù÷ §• |
And indeed,We gave Moses the scripture, and subsequent to him we sent other messengers, and we gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear signs and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Is it not a fact that every time a messenger came to you with anything you disliked, your ego caused you to be arrogant? Some of them you rejected, and some of them you killed. |
87 |
,ý¤ðþ¢ö òø¨¤ ýøñ‘“÷¢“ø ôþ¢¢’‘—î ü¨øõ“ ‘÷‘õû‘õ §¢ìó žø¤ ù“ ø ôþ¢¢ –‘÷þ“ ¤ ôþ¤õ ¢÷¥¤ê ü¨þäø ¢õ ‘õª ýø¨“ ý¤“õþ• ù‘ð¤û §• . ôþ¢øõ÷ ©¢þþ‘— , ¢ø“÷‘õª §ê÷ ý‘ûøû ëêøõ ¢¤ø¢ø¡‘“ ù÷ ø ø ¢þ¢¤î ’þ£î— ¤ üûø¤ð §• Œ¢þ—ê¤ð¤—¤“ ¤¢ø¡ .¢þªîþõ ¤ üûø¤ð |
And they say, 'Our minds are wrapped (made up)!' Nay,God has cursed them for their disbelief, so little is that which they believe. |
88 |
. –¨(é òè ‘þ ©ªø• ¤¢)ù—¨“ ‘õ ý‘úó¢ :¢÷þøð ø ¢÷üþ¢¡ ù¢ªöþ¤ê÷ ö‘ª¤êî’“¨“ ùîó“ –¨þ÷öþ÷ .¢÷¤ø üõ ö‘õþ ö¢“ ù÷ –¨î¢÷ ø
They said, 'Call upon your Lord to show us which one. The heifers look alike to us and, God willing, we will be guided.' |
89 |
ùî ¢õ ö‘ªþø¨“ ü“‘—î ¢÷ø ¢¡ ù‘ðªþ• ¥ öøø ©þ• ùîþ󑟤¢ø , ¢÷—ª¢ ùî¢ø“ ü“‘—î ù¢÷÷î ëþ¢¬— ¢÷—¨›þõ ý¥ø¤þ• ö¢“ , ö‘ðªþ• ¤ê ‘ú÷ , ö ¥ ¢õ ‘ú÷ ýø¨“ ¢÷—¡‘÷ªþõ ùî ¤ ù÷ ùî÷þõû §• .¢‘“ ö ¤ê‘î ¤“ ¢¡ öþ¤ê÷ §• ¢÷¢ª¤ê‘î ö¢“ |
He said, 'He says that she is a heifer that was never humiliated in plowing the land or watering the crops; free from any blemish.' They said, 'Now you have brought the truth.' They finally sacrificed her, though almost they did not. |
90 |
ö ý‘ú““ ¤ ¢ø¡ §øê÷ ù÷ –¨ ¥þ‘÷ ø ¢“ ù ¢—¨¤êþõø¤ê ¢÷ø¢¡ ù÷ ù“ ¢÷¢ª ¤ê‘î ùî !¢÷—¡ø¤ê ö¤ê‘î ý¤“ ø ¢÷—ªð ¤‘¢ üõª¡ ýø¤ üõª¡“ §• . –¨ ý ù¢÷÷î¤ø¡ ’£ä |
When they are told:Believe in what God has revealed, they say: We believe in what was sent down to us; and they deny what is besides that, while it is the truth verifying what they have. Say: Why then did you kill God's Prophets before if you were believers? |
91 |
¢þ¤øö‘õþ–¨ù¢‘—¨¤êø¤ê ¢¡ ù÷“¢øª ù—êðöøø ø,ôþ¤øüõö‘õþ ù¢ª ù¢‘—¨¤êø¤ê ‘õ¤“ ù÷“ ¢÷þøð ù÷ø–¨ –ìþìŸö ùî÷‘“¢÷¥¤øþõ¤êî ö ä¤ø‘õ“ öþ÷õøõ ¥ü—¨¤“ ¤ð :øð“ .¢÷îþõ ëþ¢¬— ¢÷¤¢ ¤ Œ¢þ—ªîþõ öþ¥ ©þ• ¤¢¡ ö¤“õ‘þ• ¤ §•¢þ¢ø“ |
And most certainly Moses came to you with clear (Signs), then you worshiped the calf in his absence and you were unjust. |
92 |
ø ¥ §• ý¢÷ ¢õ ‘õª ýø¨“ –‘÷þ“‘“ ü¨øõ‘÷‘õû .¢þ¢ø“ ¤‘îõ—¨ ùîþ󑟤¢ ¢þ—ê¤ð ©—¨¤•“ ¤ ùó‘¨øð |
And when We made a covenant with you and raised the mountain over you,(saying)): Hold fast by that which We have given you, and hear (Our Word), they said: We hear and we disobey.' Their hearts became filled with adoration for the calf, due to their disbelief. Say:Miserable indeed is what your faith dictates upon you, if you do have any faith. |
93 |
ö‘—¤¨ ýò‘“¤ ùøî ø ôþ—ê¤ðö‘õþ•‘õª ¥ ùî ù‘ð÷ø –¤¢ì‘“ ôþ¢¢‘õª“ ¤ ù÷ (:ôþ—êðø ) ôþ¢¤î¢÷ó“ . ôþ¢¤îüþ•¤¨ø , ôþ¢þ÷ª¢÷—êð .¢þø÷ª“ø ,¢þ¤¢úð÷ . ö‘ª¤êî –óã“¢ª ’¤þ¨ ùó‘¨øð –“Ÿõ¥ ö‘ªþ‘úó¢ ö‘õ¤ê ö“ ¤‘õª ö‘—÷‘õþù÷–¨¢÷¨•‘÷ ü¨“ øð“ .¢þ¤¢ ö‘õþ ü—¨¤“ ¤ð , ¢û¢þõ |
Say: If the abode of the Hereafter is reserved for you at God, to the exclusion of all other people, then you should long for death, if you are truthful. |
94 |
–¨‘õª ý¤“ «ó‘¡ ¤ðþ¢ ý¤¨ , ¢¡¢¥÷ ,¤ð øð“ .¢þþøðþõ–¨¤¤ð¢þ÷î ï¤õ ýø¥¤§• , ô¢¤õ¤ðþ¢ ù÷ |
They never long for it, because of what their hands have sent forth. God is fully aware of the wicked. |
95 |
ù‘ðþû ¢÷ ù¢‘—¨¤ê ©þ•“ ¢ø¡ ý‘ú—¨¢ ‘“ ù÷ ‘“ ö¤‘îõ—¨ ñ‘Ÿ“ ¢¡ ø ¢¤î ¢÷ûø¡÷ ï¤õ ýø¥¤ . –¨‘÷¢ §“ |
And you will most certainly find them the greediest of men for life;Each one of them wishes He could be given a life of a thousand years: But the grant of such life will not save him from punishment. For God sees well all that they do. |
96 |
, ü“‘þüõ ö¢ø“ù¢÷¥ ý¤“ ô¢¤õöþ¤—¬þ¤Ÿ¤‘ú÷þ ø— ü¨“ ‘ú÷ö—îþ ùî‘›÷‘— . ö‘õ¥ ¤—¬þ¤Ÿ ü—Ÿ ù÷øð÷þ ùî÷ ‘“ ¢÷î –¨þ¥ ñ‘¨¤¥û ¤ð ¢¤¢–¨ø¢ ù÷¢“ ¢¡ ø ¢¤¢þõ÷ ¤‘÷ ’£ä ¥ ¤þø –¨þ¥ . –¨‘÷¢ §“ ¢÷÷îþõ |