Those who are devoid of knowledge say, 'Why God doesn't speak to us, nor a Sign is shown to us?!' Others before them have uttered similar utterances; their hearts are all alike. We have indeed made clear the Signs for those who have attained inner certainty. |
118 |
افراد نادان میگویند چرا خدا با ما سخن نمىگويد يا پیامی بما نشان نمیدهد . پیشینیان هم همانند این گفته ايشان مىگفتند ، دلهاشان به هم مىماند . ما نشانهها را براى گروهى كه يقين دارند نيك روشن میگردانيم |
We have indeed sent you [O Prophet] with the truth as a bearer of good news, as well as a warner. You are not accountable for those who are destined for the blazing fire. |
119 |
ما تو را {ای پیامبر} بحق فرستاديم تا بشارتگر و بيم دهنده باشى و تو پاسخگوی کسانی که بسوی دوزخ میشتابند نیستی |
Jews and Christians will never be pleased with you, unless you follow their creeds. Say, 'God's guidance is the only true guidance.' Indeed if you follow their desires, despite the knowledge you have received, you will find no ally or supporter to help you against God. |
120 |
هرگز يهوديان و ترسايان از تو راضى نمىشوند مگر آنكه از كيش آنان پيروى كنى . بگو بدرستی تنها هدايتخداست كه هدايت [واقعى] است و چنانچه پس از علمى كه تو را حاصل شد باز از هوسهاى آنان پيروى كنى در برابر خدا یار و ياورى نخواهى داشت
Those who receive the scripture, and study it as it should be studied, it is they who [truly] believe in it; whereas all who choose to deny its truth -it is they who are the losers! |
121 |
كسانى كه كتاب آسمانى به آنها داده شده (اگر) آن را چنان كه شايسته آن است بخوانند; به آن ايمان مىآورند و كسانى كه به آن كافر شوند، زيانكارانند |
O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I bestowed upon you, and that I blessed you more than any other people. |
122 |
اى بنى اسرائيل! نعمت مرا، كه به شما ارزانى داشتم، به ياد آوريد و اینكه من شما را بر دیگران برترى بخشيدم
Beware of the day when no soul will help another , no ransom will be accepted, no intercession will be useful, and there will be no help for you. |
123 |
و بترسيد از روزى كه هيچ كس چيزى [از عذاب خدا] را از كسى دفع نمىكند و نه بدل و بلاگردانى از وى پذيرفته شود و نه او را ميانجيگرى سودمند افتد و نه يارى شوند |
Recall that Abraham was put to the test by his Lord, through certain commands, and he fulfilled them. [God] said, 'I am appointing you as a leader for the people.' He said, 'And of my descendants as well?' He said, 'My covenant does not include the evildoers.' (*) |
124 |
و چون ابراهيم را پروردگارش با كلماتى بيازمود و وى آن همه را به انجام رسانيد ،[خدا به او] فرمود من تو را پيشواى مردم قرار دادم . [ابراهيم] پرسيد از دودمانم نیز؟ فرمود پيمان من شامل ستمگران [آنها] نمیشود |
And We have rendered the house (the Ka`aba) a focal point for the people, and a safe sanctuary; take the place whereon Abraham once stood as your place of prayer. We command Abraham and Ismail: 'You shall purify My house for those who visit, those who live there, and those who bow and prostrate[in prayer].' |
125 |
و چون خانه [كعبه] را براى مردم محل رجوع و [پناهگاه] امنى قرار داديم [ فرموديم] مقام ابراهيم را پرستشگاهی براى خود نمایيد . و به ابراهيم و اسماعيل فرمان داديم كه :"خانه مرا براى طوافكنندگان و معتكفان و ركوع و سجودكنندگان پاكيزه كنيد"ا |
And when Abraham said: 'My Lord, make this a secure land, and provide its people fruitful sustenance . Provide for those who believe in God and the Last Day.' (God) said, 'I will also provide for those who disbelieve; I will let them enjoyfor ashort time, then commit them to the retribution of Hell, and a miserable destiny.' |
126 |
و چون ابراهيم گفت پروردگارا اين [سرزمين] را شهرى امن گردان و مردمش را هر كس از آنان كه به خدا و روز بازپسين ايمان بياورد از فرآوردهها روزى بخش ، فرمود ونیزهر كس كفر بورزد ، برای مدت کوتاهی برخوردارش مىكنم ، سپس او را با خوارى به سوى عذاب آتش [دوزخ] مىكشانم و چه بد سرانجامى است |
As Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the shrine, (they prayed): 'O our Lord, accept this from us. You are indeed all-hearing, all-knowing; |
127 |
و هنگامى كه ابراهيم و اسماعيل پايههاى خانه [كعبه] را بالا مىبردند گفتند پروردگارا اینرا از ما بپذير كه تو هرآینه بسیار شنواى دانايى |
'Our Lord, make us submitters to You, and from our descendants let there be a community of submitters to You, and show us our way of worship, and accept our repentance, for You alone are the Acceptor of Repentance, Most Merciful';
128 |
پروردگارا ما را تسلیم و فرمانبردارخود قرار ده (مسلم) و از نسل ما امتى فرمانبردار خود [پديد آر] و روش نیایش را به ما نشان ده و بر ما ببخشاى كه تويى توبهپذير بسیار مهربان |
'Our Lord, and raise among them a messenger to convey to them Your revelations, teach them the scripture and wisdom, and purify them. For,You alone are almighty, trule wise.' |
129 |
پروردگارا! و در ميان آنان پیامبری از خودشان برانگيز تا آيات تو را بر آنان بخواند و كتاب و حكمت به آنان بياموزد و پاكيزهشان كند زيرا كه تنها تو بسیار توانا وحكيمى |
Who would forsake the religion of Abraham, except one who fools his own soul? We have indeed chosen him in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be among the righteous. |
130 |
جز افراد سفيه و نادان، چه كسى از آيين ابراهيم ، روىگردان خواهد شد؟! ما او را در اين جهان برگزيديم; و او در جهان ديگر، از صالحان است |
When his Lord said to him, 'Submit,' he said, 'I submit to the Lord of the universe.' |
131 |
هنگامى كه پروردگارش به او فرمود : "تسليم شو" گفت : تسليم شدم ام به پروردگار جهانيان |
Moreover, Abraham exhorted his children , and so did Jacob: 'O my children, God has granted you the purest faith; do not die except as submitters.' |
132 |
و ابراهيم و يعقوب پسران خود را به همان [آيين] سفارش كردند [و گفتند] : اى قرزندان خداوند براى شما اين دين را برگزيد پس البته نبايد جز مسلمان بميريد |
But did you witness Jacob on his death bed; he said to his children, 'What will you worship after I die?' They said, 'We will worship your god; the god of your fathers Abraham, Ishmael, and Isaac; the one god. To Him we are submitters.' |
133 |
ولی وقتى كه يعقوب را مرگ فرا رسيد شاهد بوديد كه به پسران خود گفت پس از من چه را خواهيد پرستيد گفتند معبود تو و معبود پدرانت ابراهيم و اسماعيل و اسحاق ، معبودى يگانه را مىپرستيم و در برابر او تسليم هستيم |
Such is a community from the past. They are responsible for what they earned, and you are responsible for what you earned. You will not be asked about what they did. |
134 |
آن جماعت را روزگار به سر آمد دستاورد آنان براى آنان و دستاورد شما براى شماست و از آنچه آنان كردهاند شما بازخواست نخواهيد شد |
They say, 'You have to be Jewish or Christian, to be guided.' Say, 'We follow the religion of Abraham who turned away from all that is false ( حنیف ) , he never was an idol worshiper.' |
135 |
و [اهل كتاب] گویند يهودى يا مسيحى باشيد تا هدايتيابيد بگو نه بلكه [بر] آيين ابراهيم حقگرا [هستیم] و وى از مشركان نبود |
Say, 'We believe in God, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs(Tribes); and in what was given to Moses and Jesus, and all the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters | 136 |
بگوييد ما به خدا و به آنچه بر ما نازل شده و به آنچه بر ابراهيم و اسحاق و يعقوب و اسباط نازل آمده و به آنچه به موسى و عيسى داده شده و به آنچه به همه پيامبران از سوى پروردگارشان داده شده ايمان آوردهايم ميان هيچ يك از ايشان فرق نمىگذاريم و در برابر او تسليم هستيم |
So if they believe as you do, then they are guided. But if they turn away, then they are in defiance. God will suffice you against them; He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. |
137 |
پس اگر آنان به آنچه شما بدان ايمان آوردهايد ايمان آوردند قطعا هدايتشدهاند ولى اگر روى برتافتند جز اين نيست كه سر ستيز دارند و به زودى خداوند [شر] آنان را از تو كفايتخواهد كرد كه او شنواى داناست |
[Say: "Our life takes its] hue from God! And who could give a better hue [to life] than God, [if] we truly worship Him?" |
138 |
اين است نگارگرى الهى و كيستخوشنگارتر از خدا و ما او را پرستندگانيم |
Say, 'Do you argue with us about God, when He is our Lord and your Lord? We are responsible for our deeds, and you are responsible for your deeds. To Him alone we are devoted.' |
139 |
بگو آيا درباره خدا با ما بحث و گفتگو مىكنيد با آنكه او پروردگار ما و پروردگار شماست و كردارهاى ما از آن ما و كردارهاى شما از آن شماست و ما براى او اخلاص مىورزيم |
Do you say that Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs were Jewish or Christian? Say, 'Do you know better than God? Who is more unjust than one who conceals a testimony he has learned from God? God is never unaware of anything you do.' |
140 |
يا مىگوييد ابراهيم و اسماعيل و اسحاق و يعقوب و اسباط يهودى يا نصرانى بودهاند بگو آيا شما بهتر مىدانيد يا خدا و كيستستمكارتر از آن كس كه شهادتى از خدا را در نزد خويش پوشيده دارد و خدا از آنچه مىكنيد غافل نيست |